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Tuesday 24 October 2023

Digital security.


Hi friends here you can find tips for protect your digital things and all things you are not sure. 


I always use the same password for all my accounts and applications. I do not like to use complicated  because it is difficult to remember and too long. What do you think?

I think that you only have to use the same pasword in really not importants things for example videogames or canva, and also chage the pasword for important things for example your google account or you acount for work.
I recomed this for save youy to if a hacker wants your acount of something dont have the password of all acounts, also if you dont remember all acounts i recommend wrote them in a paper or something and keep it safe and ind a place where you remember.
 Here i put you liks to resolve the problem:

5 tips:

- Write in a paper the diferents passwords you have for diferent things.
-If you use diferents paswords put paswords whith relation all of them to remember it more easy.
- Put long but easy paswords.
- Put numbes an letters mixeds in the passwords.
- Don´t say your password with any people.

 2 Example.

My mobile phone is asking me to install my operating system update but I do not feel like to do so… Do you think it is really important to update it, why?

I think you really dont have to update them if you don´t want, i think you have to search a good operating system update that may it last a log time to don´t have to update always the phone want, you also have to search a update system that works corectly an save you for a virus or for a haker.

Here yopu have links to solve it:

Why does my phone require me to update right after I ...

5 tips:

 Control access to systems
 Use administrator accounts only when absolutely necessary.
 If your device is running slower than normal, update it to make it faster.
 Update your device from time to time to ensure that it does not have a virus and works better.
- Look that is a requirment of the movile and is not a virus.

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